East Cheatham Elementary School Home


Click on Classlink pinned to page or click link below to access TEAMS!

TEAMS is accessed through Classlink through Office 365. You will need your username [first name] [dot] [last name]. Your password is your Skyward number aka lunch code/computer code and can be found in skyward.
Student emails are [first name] [dot] [last name] @students.ccstn.org
Email passwords are the Skyward number aka lunch code/computer code
If you have forgotten any of these, please call our front office. 615-746-5251

You've Got a Friend in Me! We love you Dragons!

youve got a friend in me
Please enjoy this social distance collaboration put together by Ms. LeNaye Pearson, our ELL teacher.  We thank her for all the hard work that went into this video.  Click and Enjoy!

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