
Hello students, parents, and guardians!
I would like to share some P.E. information with you.
Students attend PE twice per week. In order to participate and maintain a passing grade, students are required to wear tennis shoes. Please have participants wear appropriated clothing. Pretty dresses and dress clothes are tough to exercise in.
Sometimes special teachers have special planning days or special events in which students will be in a P. E. setting. Students are expected to wear tennis shoes for these events.
Boat shoes and slip on shoes are NOT acceptable. Please do not purchase tennis shoes with the spinning plastic piece on the bottom of the shoe. These are very slippery. Please send children to class in shoes that fit.
Yes, we want to protect the gym floor from scratches and marks, but the main reason for appropriate shoes is safety and maximum performance.
Parents and guardians-please teach your child how to tie their shoes. If they cannot tie, purchase strap tennis shoes.
Mr. Coffman, Physical Education Teacher