Library » Library


Welcome back to a new school year, Dragons! I’ve missed you all tons! If you still have a book checked out from last year, please return it to me. 

Library Mission Statement: We are readers and leaders! We strive to understand ideas and information by asking questions, reading enthusiastically, thinking critically, and demonstrating creativity.

Students attend library with their homeroom one day a week and are allowed to check out one book at a time. Classes always feature age appropriate story times, teaching of specific library skills, exposure to new knowledge, and checkout time. Our school media center gives students access to many books that meet their interests and learning needs. It is a great place where students learn about important topics such as organization of information, research, and book care.  

Destiny Discover

Click on the Destiny Discover icon above to see which books are available in our library. When on this site, click “Book” under “Any” in the Destiny Discover search bar to the left to see if it available in our collection. You can also search for other materials such as eBooks, videos, audiobooks, etc. Additionally, you can search for items via author, title and topic by clicking the Advanced Search icon to the right of the search bar. For a tutorial video on how to use Destiny Discover, please click here.

Things to ask your child about: the brain dance, spot the difference, tongue twisters, poems, makers space, centers, and book worms


See below just a few books I read aloud for story time every year!

Pre-K & Kindergartenpk & k1st grade1st2nd grade2nd3rd grade3rd4th grade4th